Quickly Silence Your Ringer During Meetings
A presentation is being given by a very important client, but it’s quickly interrupted by the ringing of someone’s phone. In this situation the person usually does one of three rude things: (1) continue to let the phone ring and hope no one notices, (2) cover up the speaker of their phone and hope no one notices that their phone is still ringing or (3) pick up the phone and whisper to the person on the phone that they’ll call them back later. None of these solutions of work and we all know it, especially when that person my very well be you. It’s quite embarrassing and even more so when it occurs during meetings.
Does that scenario sound familiar to you? I’ll show you how to stop being stuck in these types of situations with only the press of a button.
As soon as your smartphone rings, press the volume key down as pictured below.

Press the volume button down to immediate silence any smartphone.
This will immediately silence the ringing so that the meeting or presentation and continue smoothly. Spread this tip to your fellow executives and office colleagues to help make the world of meetings and presentations a little bit of a better place for everyone.
Actually I’m feeling rather generous on this sunny Sunday afternoon, so here’s a bonus tip. I’ll show you how to make your smartphone turn its sound before the meeting and then back on again after the meeting is over. Without you having to touch it!